Neurofeedback Training

Neurotherapy is used to address issues such as anxiety, depression and attention problems. It can be applied to many different psychological issues which result from dysregulated brain states. The term Neurotherapy can refer to a range of therapies including Brain Stimulation techniques and Neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback therapy uses the principle of operant conditioning to teach the brain self-regulation. Training is carried out by monitoring brainwave activity and providing auditory and visual feedback to nudge the brain into adopting more desirable patterns of activity.  It’s a relatively non-invasive process that encourages optimal brain functionality, and reduces dysregulation.

The potential of neurofeedback training to change brain function was first recognised back in the 1960’s.  Since then, technological advances coupled with decades of extensive research, have led to the development of brain wave training as an effective intervention for many common brain disorders.

Neurofeedback teaches the brain to let go of entrenched and disruptive states